Enterprise and eCommmerce Retailers

Make every jewel in your store customizable,
increase your bespoke market share,
sell on the spot

The first Jewelry customization software for enterprise jewelry retailers

Infinite variations,
endless possibilities

Product customization and geometrical editing take intensive manual work, beyond a certain amount of variations, the changes cannot be done manually. 

Customizer Studio harnesses the power of cloud computing to fuel our geometrical 3D configurator, to allow for full geometric flexibility, meaning customization with no boundaries, enabling your clients to make any change, to any piece of jewelery, within your catalog.

Real-time pricing means real-time ordering

Customizer Studio is the only tool that enables retailers to sell customized jewelry over the counter, on the spot.

Even after the design process is done, there’s a need to calculate the associated production costs and subsequentially the retail price of the jewelry, normally done manually, and takes between hours to days to calculate.

The delay between the chosen design and providing the Price Quote to the client, normally results in missed sales opportunities, as the client gets “cold”.

Customizer Studio, closes this time gap for you, allowing you to send out the Price Quote instantly and close the sale, on the spot.

Every visual is castable

The customizer studio’s configurator doesn’t only visualize objects, for human eyes, but the customizer tool already designs them, in exact, production-ready dimensions, meaning there is no delay time, or background work necessary to sustain bespoke production.

Choose your client's UX/UI

Customizer Studio is a white-label solution and allows for any interface you’d like to use to assimilate into your website as seamlessly as possible.

However, we have a few template interfaces for you to choose from, so you can either make your own or opt for our templates.

Generative AI Designer

The jewelry design process cannot get easier than this. Your client will simply ask our AI assistant for the relevant changes in their design, and our designer will execute the changes in real-time. 

The features you need to power your work

Say goodbye to your pictures, and move into 3D visualization

Your jewelry will be displayed in ultra-high resolution, 3D real-life rendings, giving them a 360-degree outlook.  Save valuable time and resources, and achieve a higher 3D quality solution

Geometric Customization: Endless Options

Customizer studio harnesses the power of cloud computing to fuel our geometrical 3D configurator, allowing for full-scale geometric flexibility, endless combinations, and full customization, for every jewel.

Pricing and Delivery

Customizer Studio has a built-in algorithm corresponding to any geometrical change in the design, or any of its components, meaning every change in the stones, setting, materials used, or work required, will result in a correlating change in pricing.

This feature ensures your clients will be displayed the accurate price shift after their modifications to the design. 

SKU Magic: Design to Done

Customer Studio empowers you to effortlessly create thousands of variations from a single design, with our Automatic SKU generation algorithm streamlining the process by assigning unique SKUs to each creation.

Our mission is seamless data flow between systems

Customizer Studio will connect directly to your inventory and calculate the pricing based on your current goods. 

Make every jewel in your store, personalized, and exclusive, with ease.